Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meet Lili

Remember the kitty we found? I wrote about her here. Well no one called us, so we figured that it was time to give up and made her an official part of our family! She's going to live with Oka, we think that Zuko (Oka's cat) is really going to love her, besides, Zuko has been alone since Kuja died a month ago.

The first thing we did was remove her collar. She seemed a bit uncomfortable, and our cats are 100% in-doors cats... so she doesn't need a collar.

She's now nekkid!

After that, we officially named her Lili. I liked the name so much that I cried when my boyfriend suggested it. It's perfect for her! We strongly believe that a cat's name is very important and shouldn't be taken lightly. We also believe that a cat reveals it's name in due time, so we should pay attention and we will "just know it".

Lili chose the cutest way to reveal her name. One day I went to play with her outside, I couldn't see her so I called. She answered me and walked out from my mom's pots where she had been sleeping, and she had a tiny flower perfectly placed in one side of her ear. She looked so cute and girly! After I told Oka, he said "I think we should call her Lili, she had a flower after all" he made a pause "you remember in Harry Potter how Lily's love defeated death? Kuja sent us Lili". I cried. Of course it was the perfect name!

Lili still sleeps and plays in those pots. She's slowly killing my mom's flowers.

We then took her to the vet, he said that she was in a slightly worst condition than we initially thought, but she's going to be perfectly fine! She was malnutritioned, full of worms, and had a soft flu.  He gave her some meds and a dewormer, and we have to go back for her first vaccines. The next day, she was feeling so much better and healthier that she spent the whole morning breaking plants.

I love her so much =3 I'm glad Kuja sent her, she's perfect for all of us and she can now grow healthy and happy. We're all very happy!

Oka's birthday!

Today is Oka's birthday! He's now 23 =3 congratulations my love!

We went out and had breakfast in one of our favorite restaurants. We played some videogames. My mom made his favorite food. We played Warhammer 40k and I made him some brownies (and I forgot to take photos! FUUUUU-).

I think that it was a really nice day, and I hope Oka enjoyed it. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have let him win in 40k...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Modular Terrain

Finally! After lots of sweat, effort and frustrations form the last month, and of curse with the help of my lovely assistant Talty, my first terrain is done!

Indeed my Blood Knights look comfortable on it, and the should! lets give it a review:

Well, lets see, I started this project with many ideas on mind; we've all seen gorgeous terrain pieces or full gaming tables, some full of detail and awesome features, we found em on solid tables, others are just some fabric-like base, and others come on modular pieces like GW's. And most of em as awesome they look, as pricey they seem to be!

So with that in mind I researched various techniques and ideas to make low cost- high end terrain, even then I must say, I lastly relied on my own experience and available materials.

As stated above, I like the modular table's idea from GW, I'm all pro modular stuff (coming soon my magnetized dread) it gives enough freedom and variety, with the very important feature of portability. So i went for that on my terrain and after analyzing GW's i came out with a basic plan: Simple square flat surfaces, with some Styrene terrain features, that matches on different positions.

I tried various materials, and after some disasters I got some hard cardboard for the flat surface and the expanded Polystyrene matched nice on my low cost idea.

I ended up reinforcing the structure and after some coats of PVA, Sand, Paint and Flock, the first of 6 Pieces was completed.

Long story short, it was a success, and shortly after the 1st one I worked on the 2nd module. The thing here is to consider the terrain feature, as Gw's its supposed to be a 4 pieces mountain, matching on the center.

So, after weeks of planning and working, and under $20 USD worth of materials I have two 60x60 cm (2x2 ft) modular panels, perfect for 500 or less points WH Skirmishes.

So the only thing it needs now its some hills, forests and ruins. So I rushed and build a few

So after just some hours of inspired working I ended with enough terrain to fit on my modular half table.

Sadly for now, I ran out of paint and flock to continue the rest of the panels, also I have to figure out the storing issue before I end up with more I (or my GF :D) can handle.

Anyway, tnx for reading, if asked I'll make a tutorial, but only if there's feedback!!! For now Enjoy some more Pics!

Waiting for your comments!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We found another kitty!

I don't know why, but our house is like a cat magnet. Even us seem to attract cats! We've had cats come and look for us. We have many inside jokes about it:
  • There's a cat mafia and the rumor has spread that cats can have a fancy, hedonist life in our house.
  • The house smells of cat food.
  • We smell of cat food.
  • The house smells of fat cat!
Whatever the reason, there's always a new kitty in our life. I carry some cat food wherever I go in case I find a cat (I started it AFTER finding so many cats, so it's not the reason we find so many cats!). Well this morning my mom found a new kitty, this little thing was lost and scared, looking for her home.

Nice to meet you human. Now feed me.

Unlike the other cats we find, this one definitely has a home! She's very well cared, has a collar, and she's even a bit chubby. One of my "Life Goals" is finding a lost pet and find his/her family. Another one is sleeping a night in an Igloo and hug a penguin. I wonder which one I'll achieve first...

She's a Siamese, she's around 10 or 12 weeks old and her eyes are a beautiful light blue! I've never seen such beautiful cold blue eyes... her eyes are so light and she's so little that she can't open them properly when there's too much light, so she looks kinda drowsy. Oka says it makes her look very serious.

I'm a very important business lady. I have no interest in photos.

My Kira had blue eyes too when she was little, but instead of closing them to block some of the light, she kept crashing into things AT FULL SPEED. She was a crazy kitty, and she never changed! She still makes me worry so much... I posted a baby photo of Kira in a past blog.

I demand you give me my pipe cleaner back, or I'll sue you. 

So we printed lots of posters and Oka and I pasted them in transited areas. We gave her some toys, we petted her, and discovered that she's super sweet and playful!! She doesn't scratch or bite the slightest bit, Oka playfully provoked her a little but instead of biting, she kissed him. My heart melted.

We're keeping our fingers crossed. I'm sure her family must be somewhere worrying about her, she's obviously very loved and well cared. I hope we can find her home, meanwhile, I'll hug her some more.

I want that shiny thing you're holding.

She was VERY hard to photograph, as all cats are. But I'm getting better at it.

Until next time dear reader!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sports Sunday

Yesterday was a great day. Our football team was playing in our city, so we had to go see them! My dad has been a fan of Pumas UNAM since he was 5 years old, and they played against our city's team, Puebla FC. My dad, Oka and I planed it for a week. The game was at 12 pm, but we arrived at around 10:30 am because we wanted to get good seats.

The Cuauhtemoc Stadium. This is what it looked like when we arrived.

It was a beautiful day, not cold nor hot, the sky was blue and the clouds were white. And we had awesome seats!!! I forgot my camera so I couldn't take better photos, but we were close enough to see the players facial expressions, it was incredible!

The stadium filled pretty quickly. The hardcore fans were distributed in each end of the stadium, they brought about 20 drums, trumpets, saxophones... the whole thing! They singed and danced and cheered the whole game, it was crazy! I can't believe they do it every weekend!

Puebla's hardcore fans filled this whole area, and they never stopped dancing!

The best part was that our team won! They almost didn't make it, but we won anyway... the final score was 1-0.

Oka and me during the game. Please don't see the ugly time stamp, I couldn't remove it without chopping off Oka's beautiful cheek.

Outside we found a beautiful Pumas jersey that fitted me perfectly, and my father bought it for me :) he's so sweet! I'll have to take a photo one of these days.

Then we came back home. My mom had prepared delicious home-made pizzas! We take pizzas very seriously and make everything from scratch, they're soooo delicious...! I'll have to make a tutorial next time. They got devoured so quickly that I couldn't take a photo, a shame. I'm trying to make taking photos an habit.

Then we watched the Super Bowl! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, it was a very entertaining Super Bowl. Oka has been a Steeler fan since he was little, and I've been a Cowboy fan since I was just as little... if you're into football, I'm sure that you realized that we have a problem here. We've managed to stay together despite it ;)

I was torn from the moment the Steelers advanced to the Super Bowl. I wanted Oka to be happy if his team won, but I didn't want them to win in the Cowboy's sacred temple and I didn't want them to get their 7th ring (thus getting 2 titles ahead of the Cowboys). 

I ate some more pizza and Oka prepared a "Rotisburger" in "Rotis" honor. I'm aware that this is the incorrect spelling, but "Rotis" is the pet-name Oka uses for Roethlisberger and I find it cute :)

Anyway, the Steelers lost and balance has returned to my universe. Oka is over it and, for some reason, I've always liked Rodgers and I'm happy that the Packers won. Congratulations to all the fans!

Happy week everyone! 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lista de Regalos de Oka :D

Hola gente! Siguiendo mi propio consejo, eh estado desarrollando mi propia lista de regalos, así les dejo entonces la lista, con una explicación que espero mantener breve y concisa, así como algunos links útiles:

1: Warhammer
Costo: $200+
Se adquiere en: Tiendas especializadas, Internet

Así es, sorpresa! mi nuevo hobby que me ha tenido entretenido y adicionado mas tiempo que cualquier otro! Y que ademas de todo me ha enseñado mucho :P eso si que es un buen Hobby, pero que es?

Básicamente es un juego de estrategia que se juega con miniaturas, las cuales se compran y confeccionan como modelismo, se compran los modelos en piezas, ya sea de metal o plástico, éstas se arman, pegan y pintan.

Luego con estos modelos se forman ejércitos y en base a reglas restablecidas se combate en un espacio diseñado con este propósito.
De esta manera el hobby combina muchos elementos, de modelismo, colecciones y hasta maqueteria.

Como habrán especulado hasta ahora, suena a una actividad relativamente cara y delicada, y la verdad es que en gran parte es así! lo cual nos lleva a la cuestión de los regalos :D:
Como mencione, los modelos se adquieren en cajas como cualquier otro modelo para armar, las cuales varían de precio entre $200 los modelos individuales especiales, $300-$600 los escuadrones y vehículos , o hasta mas de $1000 las cajas de ejércitos.

Ahora, para adquirir estos modelos es donde se pone escabroso el asunto, ya que en México solo se adquieren en tiendas especializadas o por Internet (con un gasto extra de a$100 por envió) y la mayoría de estas tiendas especializadas están en el estado de Mex o el DF., y dada la gran variedad de modelos pueden hacer confuso el elegir para quien no conoce del hobby, la gran ventaja en este caso es que normalmente los vendedores suelen ser muy accesibles al orientar, después de todo conocen bien sus productos.

Lista de articulos en especifico, pregunta por ellos en las tiendas!

Links: Pagina Oficial (varios idiomas)
Sucursal Lomas Verdes: 4171 6572
Sucursal Mixcoac: 5598 9278
Lindavista: 5019 9960

2: Risk
Costo: $200-$400
Se adquiere en: Supermercados, Jugueterias, Internet

El clásico juego de mesa de estrategia! Siempre me han gustado los juegos de mesa, a quien no?! Y aunque ahora me dedico a otras cosas, nunca se pierde esta afición, en todo caso los juegos son los que cambian, y éste es uno de los que se me ha escapado adquirir últimamente.
Lamentablemente las versiones que mas me gustan son cada vez mas dificiles de adquirir, las que usaban piezas de juego con forma de unidades militares, caballitos o soldaditos, o inclusive las versiones especiales como de StarWars. La version actual, usa unas menos divertidas flechas para indicar unidades militares, aunque por otro lado es mas barato (casi la mitad) y tiene reglas mas complejas lo cual es genial a largo plazo. Ademas, esta ultima edicion viene en dos presentaciones: Una, la Grande, es a escala global, perfecta para 4+ jugadores, ideal para jugar con los amigos y familia, es un poco mas cara ($300-400, creo k la he llegado a ver a $250 en chedrahui), y la versión Pequeña que se juega a escala Europa, y esta diseñada para 2 jugadores, la cual es mas recomendable para jugar con Talty :D lo cual es siempre mas viable :P esta cuesta entre $150 y $250, lo cual la hace mas accesible, y a fin de cuentas sigue siendo un gran regalo.

Estos son relativamente fáciles de encontrar, ya sea en jugueterias o inclusive en los supermercados, el precio puede variar, y pueden encontrar buenos descuentos en estas épocas.
la desventaja en todo caso seria que todos me regalaran el mismo juego, xD así que de ser posible avisen entre ustedes o a mi, si ya lo consiguen :P.

3: Figuras de StarWars
Costo: $200+
Se adquiere en: Tiendas especializadas, Jugueterias, Supermercados, Internet

Mandalores (Con armadura de BobaFett)

3.5: Certificados de Regalo
Costo: Variable
Se adquiere en: Tiendas especializadas, Jugueterias, Supermercados

Para "Juguetron", cualquier supermercado (monedero electrónico), Blockbuster, GameRush, GamePlanet, o el siempre valido y divertido EFECTIVO :D

4: Libros
Costo: $100+
Se adquiere en: Librerías (duh), Internet

Principalmente Ciencia Ficción, Fantasía o Cuentos.

-Cualquiera de Asimov

Bueno, por ahora esto es todo, lo actualizare y editare conforme vaya teniendo tiempo o necesidad, así como explicar mas a fondo algunos puntos.

Cualquier duda o aclaración pueden preguntarle a Talty, o a mi también!, después de todo el chiste de todo esto, es mejorar la comunicación :D.

-Oscar Juarez

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hola gente! Esta vez escribiré sobre un tema que nos ha dado vueltas en la cabeza a Talty y a mi, verán, una de nuestras premisas básicas es que una buena comunicación, clara y concreta es básica para el éxito, ya sea en una relación o simplemente en la experiencia cotidiana con el mundo. Mis colegas terapeutas no me dejaran mentir, ya que el esperar que los demás sepan lo que queremos o pensamos es ilógico y patológico, y que en realidad muchos de los conflictos e insatisfacciones se dan por este motivo. conflictos e insatisfacciones con las que algunos nos encontramos cuando se trata de elegir o inclusive, hasta de recibir un regalo.

El hecho es que hace poco mas de un mes extendimos este principio, y probamos con el cumpleaños de un amigo el preguntarle claramente que quisiera de regalo. No fue sorpresa cuando él sin mayor problema nos dio su lista de regalos. Siguiendo esta lista y nuestro presupuesto encontramos un regalo adecuado, fue fácil y entretenido, nos ahorro muchos dolores de cabeza y lo mas importante es que nuestro amigo consiguió lo que quería.

Por ahora, esto es lo que les dejo, ESCRIBAN, envíen y si tienen la confianza, pidan, sus listas de regalo, no creo que nadie cuerdo de ofenda de ello, ni se sienta menos, vaya, aunque sea inténtenlo por diversión. por lo tanto yo les escribiré mi propia lista de regalos, y les pediré, si alguien espera recibir un regalo de mi parte, mandenme su lista! o atiendanse a recibir un carbon.