Friday, January 28, 2011

First entry and some Blood Knights

Hi there, Oka here.

So, a blog, this is kinda wierd I must say, I have never been a blog or journal guy, tried it, but never keeped it, So ill try harder this time, Talty has done some work to get this up, so ill do my best.

Anyway, on the Warhammer topic, (you guys are gonna read lots of this) I've been working on various things, from terrain, playtests and of course modeling, so ill be posting them bit by bit.

So, the army I've been working are The Blood Knights (the codex says Knights of Blood, but i like this better) a sub-chapter of the Blood Angels, I'll write more deeply about em another time.

Today we have some Tactical Marines I just build, they still need to be painted but I like how the are going.

*Look at my mug, its Laughing Octopus from MGS4!

So what you guys think? any sugestion or comments?

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