Thursday, October 27, 2011

Talty's WIP #1 Roses

I realized that some artists make work in progress (WIP) updates, and they're quite enjoyable. It's fun to see what they're doing, how they organize their work area, even how messy or neat they are. Well I decided I would try to make some myself and see how it goes. I decided to start with roses, because that's what I was crafting when I decided I wanted to make this kind of blog entries.

Please keep in mind that my WIP photos will be a bit "raw". I don't want to spend too much time editing them or trying to find a good lighting, so please forgive the relative low quality. Pretty much the only thing I did was crop them so the files aren't too big.

So, this is how my petals start, pretty much a skinner blend bull's eye cane. I don't worry about making it too perfect, roses aren't perfect after all. I cut slices and then cut them in half. I find it easier this way.

Then I flatten the petals one by one. I like to shape them like a real petal, I know a lot of people like to make circles but making petals makes sense to me. It helps me.

Here's a bunch of them ready to be used. I swear that paper is clean! The greasy spots you see is the plasticizer being leeched out of the clay, that's actually a very useful technique for which I plan to make a tutorial one day.

Here's a couple of finished roses, ready to be baked. Notice the tv's reflection in the baking pan, having a good tv show or movie is an essential step of my creative process. My favorite are old movies I've already seen so I don't get distracted, but good enough to get me in a good mood. We also watch re-runs of Friends for the 1000th time.

That concludes my first WIP. I can already tell that it's very poor and uninteresting. I didn't take photos of me making the roses because I can't yet figure out how to do it, making roses requires that I use both my hands all the time. I plan to make a tutorial for this, as soon as I can figure out a way to take photos.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hello there!

It's been a while, but I'm back! And its not that I've been slacking quite the opposite, I'm, as many gamers, constantly juggling the daily chores and professional interests with the hobby, and on that I've been pushing my painting a lot lately.

With my renewed love for my Blood Knights (BAs) I picked my brushes, shacked the slaking and did my best to finish my army to get it ready to the tabletop (Even tho I feel the quality is above just tabletop...) And as I get to a very important milestone on my hobby career, I'll proudly start uploading my work as I take some pictures.

You have been warned!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Grey Knights Ping Pong

Recently I have been talking about grey knights, And its seems that it wasn't been only me, but EVERYONE

I remember back then, when we first glanced the new Grey Knights, we all were like: OMG full army of terminators! Paladins, are undestructables! Draigo and Librarians Melt everything on the touch!

and more blah like that, I clearly remeber just a few of us thinking, ok, they are strong, how do we beat them?, and took a look at our own army, what are our strengths, how about our weaknesses.

I Myself look and compared my Blood Knights, and they indeed shared some similarities;

-Low model count
-Highly Durable
-Lots of Power Weapons
-High Damage output
-Vulnerable to low AP

So I indeed knew their power, but there was one basic and big difference, As Blood Angels I was A LOT more mobile and dynamic

Honestly i hadn't seen all the GK perks and rules but I was clear on that, and I based my counter measures on that.

That was months ago, and since then there has been a lot of talk about the Grey Knights.
First some said, they weren't as good, then suddenly everyone was having hard times against em, and finally they are everywhere kicking everyone's butt!

And for months I've read dozens of articles about it, lately I've rode a couple about "How to finally defeat em!" and you know what, after finely analyzing every aspect and detail of their strengths and weakness..

"Use your own army strengths against their weaknesses"..."If your mobile (like Blood Angels) beat them there"...

At this point, I'm not trying to say "Told you so" but instead, not to get yourself guided by the popular opinion, even when they seem much more experienced or knowing.

Instead trust your insight, know your army, understand its nature, embrace its feeling, trust the Card's Heart.

Just then maybe tons of "experts" dissecting the new army for months get to the same conclusion you got on a moment of insight.